
Friday, March 19, 2021

The Jungle Gym.

At the jungle gym, you can go down the metal slide that isn't a regular slide, it's a slide that you push up and put your legs around the pole and slide down, it's actually a lot of fun. If your not interested in that, you can go through the tunnel, though the thing is there's shadows in there. The shadows are darker than the moonlight, though don't worry the only person in there, is you! Still not interested in that?

 Okay, then you might like the sandpit! There's a massive selection of toys to play with also! And there is a thing made for people that are into parkour, if you're into that. Still not? It's a lot of fun, just try one of them out! Okay you don't seem to be interested into any of them, so maybe you don't like any of these so maybe you like relaxing in the heated sun and a mixture of the whirling wind!

In this circle with fake grass, that's more green than a lime! Nope? Really? I thought you'd love that! Guess not.. what was that? you've been joking this whole time!? WHY!? Okay, I forgive I fell for it though, that wasn't very funny because I thought you were being serious.

Though, forget about that what'd you find fun? Don't joke about it this time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021

In The Garden Quick-Write.

I can smell the mint in the mint garden, and it reminds me of peppermint eclipse I eat on the weekends sometimes.

I can feel the wind whirling wind blowing onto my face. It reminds me of the god of the wind Tawhirimatea.

 I can see the tall white signs, whiter than the clouds, They also remind me of paper because, it's white.

 I can hear the apples falling from the trees, making a thump from the apple hitting the ground. They remind me of something heavy falling from a high place.

I can taste the delicious apple juice from the apples on the apple tree. that remind me of the apple juice when you bite into an apple.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Rat Store.

 Once upon a time there was 3 rats that lived in an old school looking shed thing. They turned it into an home and they all had amazing personalities. Bob was a calm chill sleepy guy, though Tim was more of a hard worker he was also very kind. And Jim was very private and he was the oldest. They all were nice to each other.

 Though one day they heard a large SMASH! they all started to freak out and then they heard people that sounded like they tried to invade the house! They went undercover as humans and fled before they'd die. They all escaped and then it started to rain, quite a lot.

Then they searched for shelter and all they found was a bit of cardboard, then bob said "It's better than nothing". then they all looked sad. Then they saw a billboard and it said hiring then they all thought "That's a good idea! Then they all tried to find it and then they found it and it said "Hiring!"

They were all jumping in joy, they walked in and said "We're here for the job" The man said okay though can you knit and they all said yes yes! We've been good at that since we were tiny rats! The Person at the front desk said "Alright, you're hired!" They were super excited and they made a lot of money Tim was the rat that made the most in the first week until one day...

They saw a secret vault, they all opened it and they had a bunch of fake money for rats! So they we'rent even getting paid! They all questioned "What the..? What's this? the man said "Thats none of you're business!" They all got fired though they had a backpack and a jacket filt with 100$ bills they managed to sneak out with.

They all were rich and they got a house and they added rat poisoning to it! They all almost died they all became blind and then they had 500$ left and paid their friend to build them a house for 250$ and then they lived happily ever after.

Penguin Story.

 Once upon a time, there was a penguin called Timmy. He was an emperor penguin and had 1 twin brother, Jimmy. Timmy and Jimmy got along unlike other twins, every Sunday they'd go hunting and try to find fish. They'd catch about 3 fish each, as they got older they'd get even more fish.

 They kept doing it until they grew out of it, they stopped when they turned 10. Then on their birthdays they did it for the last time they'd ever do it together but, then.. An orca whale came out of nowhere and started attacking them! They were freaking out and Jimmy's fur got skimmed by the orca's teeth and he got cold fast, he had to stay in a cave, until his fur coat grew back. 

And then his brother, Timmy said "I'll never leave your side Jimmy." as he felt cold and started to get colder and colder, until he almost froze Timmy decided to find something and then he found a rock and it slipped, then it started a fire! Then the cold snow storm blew it out and then he felt the warmth before the flame got put out by the cold. 

Then he felt warm and said " I have an idea! I can make a big orange thing. What should I call it though? He thought for hours and hours, then he found a word it was fire. then he said "That's it! I can call it a fire!" Then for a long long time he searched for a big rock. then it was in the middle of the night, his brother was very cold. then he finally found 2 huge rocks, so he carried them and he made a fire.

His brother Jimmy said "Whats that thing?" Timmy said "It's called a fire! I made it when I tried to make a nest out of rocks!" And then Jimmy was curious why it was warm. And then Jimmy asked " Why's it so warm? Timmy said "Its because a fire is like water but warm! And it burns you." As Jimmy stood in it and then, he started burning he screamed "AHHHHH!!!" and then he went ' AHH AH ahhh" And then he felt warm.

Timmy felt happy that his brother wasn't suffering from the cold he felt like a good person. And they lived happily ever after.