
Monday, December 6, 2021

Quick Write.


As they dashed off, a glimmer of stripes could be seen. It was a sneaky zebra blending in with it's terrain. It was unseen. The zebra was hiding from all the other animals trying to seek it for prey. The zebra heard a loud roar. There was a pack of zebras being chased by a roaring lion.

The lion was angry. The lion would never stop chasing the pack of zebras. This zebra is lucky to be in this very spot. The zebra is hearing the roaring more and more. as the time passes, there is even more zebra gallops, and even louder roars. 

The lion will never stop. Oh look, a large pond, water break! The zebras also stop for a very small drink and then the make their run for a head start. The lion looks around for the pack of zebras. The lion then hears the zebras. The lion is furious. The lion feels itself getting more powerful. ROAR! The lion roars really loud. The zebras have a 1 km head start. But that doesn't stop the lion.

The lion hears galloping, the lion knows what he's going to do. He gets ready to run, and then he sprints with a speedy start and keeps the pace throughout the chase. He keeps sprinting the lion sees the zebras insight. The lion starts running faster. And starts gaining on the zebras, and then the lion makes it's move, and he pounces and grabs onto a zebra tail but then the zebra runs as fast as it can, and then the lion loses it's grip. He falls.

Now he's even more mad. He waits. He tried to go for the chase plan but now he uses the sneak plan. He is going to try and sneak and when he gets his chance... POUNCE! He is sneaking through the bushes. He reaches a pond, he sees the zebras are taking a drink and pounce! only one zebra he has got. He will eat this and enjoy a drink by the pond.

It seems that the sneak plan really worked. I think that the chase plan could've worked. It was just all his grip that he lost. I also think that he could've got the other zebras. But the camo zebra still survives another day.

Navigating Through The Night.

 There were some people way back in the day, that were doing multiple things before nightfall, they were looking for gold, they were setting sail, and looking for more land. They went to go to a bigger spot for land. They were really succeeding in their animal farm for food, so they needed to expand. They started to run out of land for the farm so they needed to add more land.

There were the 3 leaders of the island, that were going to go looking for land. They went at first, to go to another island, but then they searched for many hours, and found no land. So they have to get some food or otherwise, it isn't going to be good.

The 3 sailors have now become full, so they are looking at the sky, and it's getting dark out. So they're going to sleep. They started having trouble trying to get to sleep, so then they had to turn off the lights. It is midnight so they now shall go to sleep.

The next day, they wake up at 4 in the morning, and just beat the sun to rising. They all yawn. And they then look at where they are, and they're at a huge island. "it seems that we have been washed up to an island, gentleman. This is a great island. We should go tell the others to come here."

"On it boss" the right sailor says. And he goes back to their old island. "hey everyone! Good news!" the right sailor says again. "Us 3 sailors have found an even bigger island! We need everybody's help to transport everything over to the even bigger island."

A person on the old island says "question, where is it exactly?" And then the right sailor says "umm, I didn't exactly think of that. I remember going south west, I think." And then another person says "Are you sure, sailor? What happens if you're just misdirecting everyone. And then we get lost on another island, and struggle to survive!?" 

The right sailor is confused and he needs help. Every path is a risky choice. But luckily an idea popped into his head. He pulls out his communication horn. It makes a really loud honk. Everyone takes a step back. And then at the huge island the 2 other sailors hear the horn. They see a tree, and then they rip off a part of the tree and write the direction and set sail to come back to the island.

They come and then all the sailors yell at once, "EVERYBODY, ATTENTION! WE HAVE THE DIRECTION YOU GO IN! ITS SOUTH EAST!" everyone rushes to the dock and gets on the boats. and then the sailors quickly hop onto their boats and set sail. 

They go and reach the island before everyone, because they have a boat each. They soon realize how much people came to the island. Then they ditch everyone and go back to the old island and get a rest. They then go back to another island and have it for themselves. 

They also took the farm from the old old island so they have a lot of food. Another week later, they are still alive living a life better than ever. They wonder "man, I wonder what its like at the island we found". They check and it's empty. 

They get back from a tiring day, and go into the water around the island. It's a bit chilly, but it's a hot day so it's alright. The boss sailor says "man being in the water around this island, is like being in a balanced temperature.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Here are some similes i made up describing what my friends are like. (I just added me in because why not). I also added my brother.

Luke is like a loud chatterbox. 

Sonny is as quiet as a mouse.

Benji is like a roaring lion.

Jai is funny like a clown.

Dylan is like a speedy race-car.

Duke is like a strong body guard. 

Maddox is like a playful dog.

Tyson is powerful, like a polar bear.

Layton is fair in sports, like a official sports player.

Winslow is funny like Jai.

Standing is like laying down but without being on your mattress. 

I'm funny like Jai which Jai is funny like Winslow. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Mashup.


French For Monday Mashup.

At school, for Monday mashup I have been doing french. On the first lesson, we learnt french greetings. We learnt things like bonsoir - good evening, au revoir - goodbye, bon nuit and other french words like that. And we also learnt the basics about french. Like how P's are silent in french words.

 lesson 2, we learnt things like french sentences, example comment t'appelle tu? - what is your name? Je m'appelle Sonny (or just the person saying that's name). Je m'appelle means "my name is". and we also played snap but with french words. We also learnt things like how you say "man" in french and things like that. (you say man in french by saying "monsieuir.") 

Lesson 3, and we're doing french colours, and a french jigsaw puzzle. We also learnt how to count to ten in french. It goes un, deux, trois, quatre, cina, six, sept, nuit, neuf, and dix. The french colours are bleu, (blue) blanc, (white) rouge, (red) noir (black) jaune, (yellow) vert (green) rose (pink) marron (brown) orange (orange) gris (grey) violet (purple).

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


For inquiry, Me and my buddy Noah B have been working on our project about planets. it is a cardboard box with planets that are hanging form the top of the box. We have an entire slideshow about the information we need to make it. It looks like this.

(this isn't the pictures full size, I just made it like this, also sorry if it's hard to see)
On our slideshow we have things about how far every planet is away from the earth, their sizes, and a slide for each planet about them. The slideshow took a while. What we used to make the project (it isn't finished yet) was paper, tape, string, cardboard, and paint.

Things that I've learnt about the planets is that a day on Venus is 243.25 earth days, Uranus is the coldest planet, and Pluto is made 1 third out of water, Uranus has ring, and it rains diamonds on Saturn.

I chose to learn about planets for inquiry because I really like planets and because we live on a planet and I didn't know much about the other planets (other than earth and Neptune) when I chose to learn about planets.

Me and Noah B also made a slideshow about each planet. It is how I learnt all my information about planets. It looks like this. 

My favourite part about inquiry was making the model and all of the things I learnt about on the subject on planets. My buddy Noah B's favourite thing was everything.


Monday, September 20, 2021

My Stop-Motion Animation.

 At school, with my friend Baylee, we made a stop-motion animation for Monday mashup. we used a stop sign thing, another one, a hot wheels car, a cow, a dinosaur a my little pony toy, and Dracula. We used pieces of paper to make the background and the road. We were also able to make anything. Anyway, hope you enjoy. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

My Marshmallow World.


This is my marshmallow Earth. I created it during inquiry. But what the marshmallow earth represents is the earths layers. First we had to get a skewer. We then got a marshmallow and a M&M Mini. We then  had to shove the M&M mini in the marshmallow. We then dipped it in some melted chocolate. And then we had to wait outside until it dried. After we had to sort of squeeze it but not that hard and make the chocolate crack. What we did that for was to make it represent the tectonic plates. We then had to take a photo of it which is at the top of this piece of writing. And then we got to eat it.  Also there was white marshmallows and pink marshmallows. I got a white one. And I also got a green M&M Mini. The M&M mini shell represented the outer core and the chocolate was the inner core. Then the Marshmallow represented the mantle, and the chocolate represented the crust.

Monday, September 6, 2021

The Explorer.

Once upon a time, there was a brave explorer. He explored almost everything. The sea? He explored, But not entirely. He even once found a mysterious treasure buried on a deserted island. At his house he thought long, and hard. He Then had dinner. He dug in and then accidentally burnt his hand. He thought. What is massive, and also really hot? A volcano! I will explore a volcano! He then finished dinner and went to sleep.
He wakes up, and eats his breakfast. He had porridge and a smoothie. He got his stuff packed and left his house, and hopped into his car. He took an hour to get to the location and lucky for him, when he got there, the volcano had just stopped erupting. He wondered “what’ll I do now?” He then remembered that he could record it, and share it with the world! He filmed a video and then he put it on social media and he then took some pictures. 
It was a very long day, so he decided to grab out a blanket, sit down and have a lunch break. He then took a sip of water from his water bottle and then looked around the place, and then started to take more photos from different angles, because he is a photographer. He then packed up his stuff, and headed home. He went home from the hour drive and he was super tired. He then finally got to his house, and watched his favorite movie, and had some food, then when the movie finished, he went to sleep. To be continued.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Earth Animation.


At school, I have been working on an animation about the earths layers. But first we had to do a thing on facts about the earths layers. Me and my friends, Luke and Tyson have made this animation on the earths layers. We made it 4 slides for each movement. Here it is.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Egg World.


For inquiry, we got an egg. We had to get a cutting board, and a knife.  It wasn't a real knife, it was a butter knife. My group was Noah B, Roman, and me. we had to sort of crack the shell and what that represented was the tectonic plates. Then I got to cut the egg in half with the butter knife, and it represented the earths layers.

Friday, August 13, 2021

The War Survivor.

 Once upon a time, there was a very brave man who was in the war. He was supplied with everything he needed and then he went to the battle grounds and was ready for war. It was absolute madness. He was looking around and he almost got shot. He dodged the bullet and threw a grenade and blew him up. He is from USA. He then pulled out his gun and then shot someone in the head. He ran up to a hill and sniped someone. He was with his friend and he then got shot. It was his worst nightmare. The brave man then started to kill every human he saw unless they were from his country. He almost shot one of his teammates. He then had to hide. He ran to the military base and took a jet. He was dropping bombs on everyone.  He then jumped out and pulled his parachute. 

He thought of it as the purge but there were teams. There was no medics, ambulances, or anyone to help you. So if you died, that'd be it. He saw someone in the middle of the night go near his house to rest. He instantly reloaded his gun and had a smoke bomb on stand by. He saw him, He threw the smoke bomb and shot him. He woke a lot of soldiers up, so he had to run and went to the military base once again and got a Humvee. He then asked his friend if he could be on top with a gun. They had people on the side hanging on to the car with guns. They were driving by and shooting everyone. They were unstoppable. They then went and saw if there was any people alive. They were driving around, there was a lot of dead bodies laying everywhere. They saw someone. One man on the Humvee got shot.

The man who shot someone got raided with bullets coming at him. He got shot in almost every body part. They all had to come to a decision to stay awake and be ready for anyone to shoot them. He then decided to drive to the other country's base and it was chaotic. They were breaking into houses and shooting people. They were out numbered. There was too much to handle. They decided to fly to another country and continue shooting people there.

They then had to get better gear, more ammo, Better guns. They took a tank. They decided to drive to area 51 for a lot of rest. To be continued.

Monday, August 9, 2021



At school, for inquiry we started a new subject. We had to do it about... Space! we had to choose a planet in the solar system and i chose to do Neptune. Here is the slideshow about it. This is my slideshow about Neptune. 

The Slushy Machine.

 Once upon a time, there was a man who went to a fast food restaurant and then he asked for a slushy. Just a slushy. The cashier said "the slushy machine has been acting up lately. It once even flooded the entire chef's kitchen!" The man was extremely sad. He said "let me inspect it." he then started to look at it and then was blasted with ice and it was at minus degrees.He fell into the deep-fryer and fried his hair off. the fire almost burnt the entire kitchen down. Luckily there was a fire extinguisher near by. 

He asked if he could take it home and then, he took it to his sci-fi lab. The Cashier said "sure thing, just make sure you have something to keep an eye out on it." And away the man went  with it in his boot. He then started to drive off. And at the kitchen he then said to his boss, "I got this guy to fix the slushy machine for free. Though he seemed like a normal civilian. He might need backup." His boss said "You can have the break to go watch him. Call me if he needs help." Off went the cashier. He found him, and saw him enter a code in a mountain. It then opened up a spot he could swipe a special key card. He did it and went through. 

The cashier dashed to the door and luckily made it through. He then said to his boss but not really loud, just whispering. "I'm in, boss." And yes, they did have microphones to be able to talk to each other. His boss said "good good good. Now find him. Be stealthy though." The cashier says "Yes, sir. Will do" And off he goes exploring. He runs as quietly and sneakily as he can. he saw a elevator ahead. He went through it and went down. He then found the scientist and there was then a ding, and a security system. He then tries to hide. He sees something that looks like a gun. He then picks it up and shoots it and he creates a portal. He shot another one at the roof and went through it. He was then in the roof. The portals soon disappeared as the scientist went back to check on the machine.

He then noticed his portal gun mysteriously disappeared. He then wondered what happened. The cashier then pulled out a machine and was in the camera looking through the camera. he found a weak spot in the roof. He also saw that the scientist left. So he busted out. He looked around his lab and he hid somewhere in a more comfortable spot.

 The scientist put the slushy machine in a chamber and later on in the day, he then hits a button and puts it through an entire process. It has multiple presser thingies and they press it into a cube. But first there is a huge shredder and it smashes it to bits and then it is cubed and recycled. The cashier was surprised and then the cashier saw a code. the scientist went to it and entered in the right code because he made it so like he wouldn't not know it. A hidden compartment opened up and it had a really cool custom slushy machine. It was able to be changed with the flick of a switch. The scientist grabbed a cup and made a slushy. He added a lid and a straw. and he was sipping the slushy and he then gave the new slushy machine to the cashier. The scientist said "take this, I've known that you were in here from the start. Oh yeah, one more thing. My portal gun." the cashier said "right away sir!" as they did a trade. The cashier said "thanks man" The scientist said "no problem at all! But the only problem is that you came in here without permission." The cashier said "I'm sorry! I was just worried you couldn't have handled it!" scientist said "well now you know. Just take the machine and get out..." As the cashier leaves the mountain lab base and he then goes back to work.

Edible Trees For Canterbury.


At school, there has been some new apple trees three to be exact, a apricot tree, and one nectarine tree. The apple trees are from edible trees for Canterbury.  We have been getting milk basket things with potted plants, and we have been getting plastic bags, and filling them up only a little bit and then putting the plant in, and adding more soil and filling it almost to the top not filled to the brim, and then adding a ring, then a few rocks and them putting them next to the others. 

Also for Monday mashup, which is when I basically go to the garden every time, I got to fill in the apple trees, only two, it was me and Noah S. We also go to do dodge ball every Monday mashup. We also have half an hour for each thing. which is planting and then dodge ball.



Friday, July 30, 2021

My Newspaper Report.

 At school for literacy, I had to create a newspaper and it had to be something that was in your school holidays. Me and my friend Luke made it about our sleepover. We also added advertisements or ads (whoever you say it). My one looked like this. I also went on logo maker to make a logo. The name of the company was called "Voltpaper news". 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Bridle Path Experience.

 At school on the 6th of the 7th on 2021, My classroom Tawhirimatea, were going on a trip called the "bridle path". At first I was like "what is that?" and then, I started to learn about it. We went there and once we did got there it felt really hard. The reason we went was to experience what the Europeans had to go through.

 I felt like it was really hard because, I knew that it was a gigantic mountain so I already knew that it'd be a challenge. I can only imagine how hard it would be to carry almost all of your belongings. It was really steep on the way up, and the way down. We saw some abounded brick shack things and all they had was graffiti tags. 

What I found hard was walking down because, it was EXTREMELY slippery. I fell quite a lot of times. Walking up and down we had to follow the principal "Paul". Although I'd say that if he wasn't there it'd be a lot harder and chaotic. Hopefully if he wasn't there we would still have the teachers to be in control.

 It felt really hard through out the entire trip. I'm just glad that I wouldn't have to carry half of my belongings with me. I think that it'd be really hard for the Europeans because, I struggled a lot and I had a lunchbox, and a drink bottle and my jacket only!

 I think that the hardest thing for me doing the bridle path experience was The technique for walking. Everyone kept on saying walking backwards was better but, I was worried that I would walk into someone. I found out that sideways was really good but then again, it was really steep both ways. 

Me and luke said that we would want to walk the bridle path daily. I kind of regret saying that because, it was really dangerous going down hill and I got hurt once actually but fell over twice. It is totally a lot of times yes I know. I fell asleep on the way back to school also...

I GOT WOKEN UP IN MY NAP!!! That was a minus.

Monday, June 21, 2021

What I Learnt At Ferrymead.

 what I learn about ferrymead.

At ferrymead the stuff I learnt was...

1. I learnt to do a illusion.

2. I learnt european diseases. 

3. You couldn't talk in class.

4.  you'd get smacked on the hand with a ruler, or a cane, if you talk.

5.  the girls had to do more harder chores, than the boys, and get no pocket money.

6. Children should be seen and not heard.

7. Ladies first.

 I learnt what a V-hut was.

8. flax on V-huts can burn your house down.

9. fire trucks looked a lot more vintage than the fire trucks now.

10. One dollar is very valuable back then.

11. One dollar can get you into the movies.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Bread and butter making.

 Bread and butter making.

Butter Making.

A few days ago at school, I made butter and bread. For the recipe it was cream and we got a jar with a button, and we shaked it until it became yellowish, and a bit odd looking compared to cream. It took 31 minutes of shaking. It took two cups.

The cream kept on leaking from the jar, so then we had to get a towel and shake it. We also had a button and I think it was a wooden button, or a I think a button made out of bones. I think it was a button, I'm not to sure.

Bread Making.
For bread making the recipe was to get a pinch of salt, 80 grams of butter, chilled, cubed. 185 ml  (3/4 cup) water. 

Step 1.
 you'll need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees c. line a baking tray non-stick baking paper. Combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Step 2.
Add the water to the flour mixture and use a round bladed knife in a cutting motion to mix until the mixture just comes together, adding 1-2 tablespoons extra water if the mixture is a little dry. Use your hands to bring the mixture together.

Step 3. 
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Shape into an 18cm disc and place on tray. Use a sharp knife that has been dipped in flour to mark 8 wedges on top. Dust the damper with a little extra flour and bake preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the damper is cooked through and sounds hollow when tapped on the base. Transfer to a wire rack for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Serve warm or at room temperature.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Ferrymead Experience.


What I Learnt At Ferrymead.

 what I learn about ferrymead.

At ferrymead the stuff I learnt was...

1. I learnt to do a illusion.

2. I learnt european diseases. 

3. You couldn't talk in class.

4.  you'd get smacked on the hand with a ruler, or a cane, if you talk.

5.  the girls had to do more harder chores, than the boys, and get no pocket money.

6. Children should be seen and not heard.

7. Ladies first.

 I learnt what a V-hut was.

8. flax on V-huts can burn your house down.

9. fire trucks looked a lot more vintage than the fire trucks now.

10. One dollar is very valuable back then.

11. One dollar can get you into the movies.                                      

 Ferrymead Experience.

At school, I went to Ferrymead and, it was two eating groups at a time, and what happened was we didn't go on the trains, we did stuff that you don't usually do when you go there. first we had to get changed in a cap knickerbockers a button up shirt. The girls wore a colored shirt, a sunhat, a white bonnet. The instructor said that it'd be kind of like a role-play. The drive was 15 minutes and we got back to school at 2:00 (but the drive was 15 minutes back). We went on Thursday, and the groups were Sharon and Urmi's. A week after on Thursday also, Nigel and Beth's groups went.



We did a few activities the first activity was immigration, and we got to pick out an item from the table. Once you did that, you would have to grab a pen and fill out a totally real form thing I don't know how to describe it that well, so if this isn't enough information, I'm sorry because, I forgot how it was. next activity was V-Hut.



At V-Hut it was fun, but I wouldn't like doing it for an everyday job. The chores were chopping wood with a saw, that was called a cross-cut saw. scrubbing the porch, polishing the shoes, ironing the clothes, making paper pots, and putting beans in there.


  Pioneer Crafts.

Next was eating time! but then after that, we did pioneer crafts and we found out how they entertained themselves back in the 1850's. Anyways what we did there is we got a circle and a bird and a cage, or a fish in a fish bowl we got a glue-stick, and a round piece of cardboard it was smooth, and can't forget the thing that puts the holes in the cardboard. And I almost forgot to tell you, but I found out how to make glue! It was made with flower, (I'm not sure if it is flour or flower) and water. It's actually quite easy if you'd ask me.

                                                                     Packing the trunk

At packing the trunk, there was two box things, and for some reason, someone wrote on one light fingered. Anyways, in the one that said "Light fingered" it was blue, and it meant that it was the box that was stuff you wouldn't bring on the ships. There was another one that was for useful things, that was red. We got to sit on chairs, and what we did was said out loud what we thought was meant to go, where. My two favorite activities are pioneer crafts, and, immigration. 

                                         Exploring the town.

At the end, we got to explore the town, and there was a lot to explore, even a jail! A JAIL! We were exploring, around and there was a box thing that was used to clean stuff, and surprisingly, it actually worked! It gave you fresh drinking water. As you can see here, it works. It's hard to see, but it is visible, it isn't like it is invisible. It's coming out of the green hose, I'm not sure what it is used for, if you want to know research it yourself.

That was my Ferrymead experience, it was actually very fun. Sorry if you wanted to read this all, and your disappointed about the fact how it's extremely long.  


Monday, May 10, 2021

The Case Of The cake.

Once upon a time, there was a man's birthday, Jeremy. his parents ordered him a pineapple cheesecake, with delicious fruit. They come to pick it up and then the cake is randomly dripping, they thought it was normal and then they put it in the fridge and then they hear rock music coming from the box. 

They were concerned, because they knew that their son would never listen to rock music, because he likes jazz songs. Though they checked then they went up to his bedroom upstairs, and then they see him playing toy cars. 

They asked him "hey Jeremy" "Yeah?" "Do you hear that rock music and do you know who it is? His father said. Jeremy said "I don't know what your talking about. I've heard nothing but silence since you left!"

"Oh" His father said. "Well, I'll check up on you in a few minutes." Then Jeremy went back to playing with his toys. Then he goes to grab a snack from the fridge but then he sees a lot of light coming from the fridge!

When he opens it up, he sees that there's nothing that's lighting up. He decides to call a detective, they see little cake crumbs! The detective says "I think that the cake is cursed!" Father said "Yeah, yeah I don't think so".

Father kicks him out. A day later it's Jeremy's birthday They go to open the cake, and there's only one slice. And then they see the cake crumbs again. Then they follow them and all of the cake slices are all dirty!

Then they look around the rest are the same and then they go to look at the cake box again and then the cake slice they see is clean! Then it fades into the ground and becomes a lot of cake crumbs. Then they see the face then they smash the cake. and they live happily ever after though not the cake sadly. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Rawhiti School Lunches.

 at school, me and my friends and brother Maddox, Luke And duke. We made a google form, and with the google form we did research on what people liked the most, and this is what it was. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

My excellent holiday.

 The best part of my school holidays was when it was my birthday! It was at timezone Riccarton. I turned 9, It was probably the best day of my life, I got an oreo cake, with square pieces of milky way. And  we got to do bumper cars, which is really fun.

 And then at the end we got to spend our tickets. I had a bit more tickets than everybody else because it was my birthday then. And in laser tag I got the most points out of everyone else, in my team. With my tickets, I bought a tails plush toy from the ticket place, a cool looking ball, a bunch of lollies, and pac man stickers, also a pac man key chain. 

The worst of it at my party was where I couldn't bring any hot food! That means like, fries, burgers, not even pizza! though it was more fun than not fun. The other fun thing I did was where I went to flip-out! Though when I went there bouncing an jumping wasn't the only thing I did there, I did ice skating for the first time! the worst thing about flip out is randomly my stomach started to hurt.

They were in different days though. And I had a sleepover with Luke, also on my birthday. I slept with my tails plush toy that night, though I couldn't sleep from drinking too much coke. I was very tired.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Magma Dragon.


Once upon a time there was a volcano that erupted. A scientist waited for it to erupt and then it erupted about half an hour later. So then he had a bucket of dry ice and cold water.

he tried waiting a little longer for the lava to cool down and then he went in his car to his lab, and then he heard something. 

It was coming from the bucket filled with with lava! He pulled over and checked and it was a little dragon! He was confused, though he tried to figure it out with the knowledge that he had, with lava and dragons, though he thought they were make believe.

As he started thinking, the dragon grew and grew, then he started to rush and then he started to get even more stressed, because it was breaking his car. He tried to stop it though it was non-stop growing.

Then it broke his car and all that was left, was his seat and the acceleration petal, the brake petal. and that's all that was left. Then he said in an aggressive way "DARN!" as he slapped his knee. 

Then he saw the dragon get stabbed in the neck by a huge sword then he was happy but he felt bad, because he likes to rescue animals. Though, he was very angry. then he tried to help with his RAY-TRON 7000! he shot it it got really hot, really really hot!

Then he fired the trigger was jammed he realized that it was loaded but one battery was dead it didn't have enough power then he hit it and BOOM! it blew up the sword and then there was millions of knifes, swords and spears getting thrown.

a huge explosion happened and then he got  blown away all the way to the wheel and knocked him out for about half an hour. he was covered in dust and the army of knights was defeated and the dragon was saved!

And then he wondered "How do I get back to my lab?" And then he lived happily ever after. Well maybe not the walk he had to do to get all the way back to his lab, which where he was it was a 4 hour ride which it was an 8 hour walk.

Did he die on the walk to his massive lab? The answer is unknown.. Did he even make it? Still unknown.. The end.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Jungle Gym.

At the jungle gym, you can go down the metal slide that isn't a regular slide, it's a slide that you push up and put your legs around the pole and slide down, it's actually a lot of fun. If your not interested in that, you can go through the tunnel, though the thing is there's shadows in there. The shadows are darker than the moonlight, though don't worry the only person in there, is you! Still not interested in that?

 Okay, then you might like the sandpit! There's a massive selection of toys to play with also! And there is a thing made for people that are into parkour, if you're into that. Still not? It's a lot of fun, just try one of them out! Okay you don't seem to be interested into any of them, so maybe you don't like any of these so maybe you like relaxing in the heated sun and a mixture of the whirling wind!

In this circle with fake grass, that's more green than a lime! Nope? Really? I thought you'd love that! Guess not.. what was that? you've been joking this whole time!? WHY!? Okay, I forgive I fell for it though, that wasn't very funny because I thought you were being serious.

Though, forget about that what'd you find fun? Don't joke about it this time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Friday, March 5, 2021

In The Garden Quick-Write.

I can smell the mint in the mint garden, and it reminds me of peppermint eclipse I eat on the weekends sometimes.

I can feel the wind whirling wind blowing onto my face. It reminds me of the god of the wind Tawhirimatea.

 I can see the tall white signs, whiter than the clouds, They also remind me of paper because, it's white.

 I can hear the apples falling from the trees, making a thump from the apple hitting the ground. They remind me of something heavy falling from a high place.

I can taste the delicious apple juice from the apples on the apple tree. that remind me of the apple juice when you bite into an apple.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Rat Store.

 Once upon a time there was 3 rats that lived in an old school looking shed thing. They turned it into an home and they all had amazing personalities. Bob was a calm chill sleepy guy, though Tim was more of a hard worker he was also very kind. And Jim was very private and he was the oldest. They all were nice to each other.

 Though one day they heard a large SMASH! they all started to freak out and then they heard people that sounded like they tried to invade the house! They went undercover as humans and fled before they'd die. They all escaped and then it started to rain, quite a lot.

Then they searched for shelter and all they found was a bit of cardboard, then bob said "It's better than nothing". then they all looked sad. Then they saw a billboard and it said hiring then they all thought "That's a good idea! Then they all tried to find it and then they found it and it said "Hiring!"

They were all jumping in joy, they walked in and said "We're here for the job" The man said okay though can you knit and they all said yes yes! We've been good at that since we were tiny rats! The Person at the front desk said "Alright, you're hired!" They were super excited and they made a lot of money Tim was the rat that made the most in the first week until one day...

They saw a secret vault, they all opened it and they had a bunch of fake money for rats! So they we'rent even getting paid! They all questioned "What the..? What's this? the man said "Thats none of you're business!" They all got fired though they had a backpack and a jacket filt with 100$ bills they managed to sneak out with.

They all were rich and they got a house and they added rat poisoning to it! They all almost died they all became blind and then they had 500$ left and paid their friend to build them a house for 250$ and then they lived happily ever after.

Penguin Story.

 Once upon a time, there was a penguin called Timmy. He was an emperor penguin and had 1 twin brother, Jimmy. Timmy and Jimmy got along unlike other twins, every Sunday they'd go hunting and try to find fish. They'd catch about 3 fish each, as they got older they'd get even more fish.

 They kept doing it until they grew out of it, they stopped when they turned 10. Then on their birthdays they did it for the last time they'd ever do it together but, then.. An orca whale came out of nowhere and started attacking them! They were freaking out and Jimmy's fur got skimmed by the orca's teeth and he got cold fast, he had to stay in a cave, until his fur coat grew back. 

And then his brother, Timmy said "I'll never leave your side Jimmy." as he felt cold and started to get colder and colder, until he almost froze Timmy decided to find something and then he found a rock and it slipped, then it started a fire! Then the cold snow storm blew it out and then he felt the warmth before the flame got put out by the cold. 

Then he felt warm and said " I have an idea! I can make a big orange thing. What should I call it though? He thought for hours and hours, then he found a word it was fire. then he said "That's it! I can call it a fire!" Then for a long long time he searched for a big rock. then it was in the middle of the night, his brother was very cold. then he finally found 2 huge rocks, so he carried them and he made a fire.

His brother Jimmy said "Whats that thing?" Timmy said "It's called a fire! I made it when I tried to make a nest out of rocks!" And then Jimmy was curious why it was warm. And then Jimmy asked " Why's it so warm? Timmy said "Its because a fire is like water but warm! And it burns you." As Jimmy stood in it and then, he started burning he screamed "AHHHHH!!!" and then he went ' AHH AH ahhh" And then he felt warm.

Timmy felt happy that his brother wasn't suffering from the cold he felt like a good person. And they lived happily ever after.